The 2025 Picnic is being held in conjunction with the September 20, 2025 Walk, Roll, and Run. This event is a fundraiser to support our Programs and Services.
This event promotes brain injury awareness through our Unmasking Brain Injury Project. Completed masks will be displayed. Participants are welcome to take a Mask Kit home and create their own. Information and Resources about life after brain injury is also highlighted at the event. Lastly, it is an opportunity for survivors, families, and caregivers to network and share stories and personal experience information.
2024 Update: We had a great Picnic (See pictures below) at the Blue Lotus Center in West Bend this past weekend. Here are some photos to highlight this picnic. If you took any photos and would like to share them please email them to: subject line: Picnic
This annual event is made possible by your continued support – THANK YOU!