Brain Injury Resource Center of Wisconsin
- BIRCofWI Resource and Reference Library Database
Assistive Devices and Strategies
What are some types of assistive devices and how are they used?
(NICHD) Some examples of assistive technologies are:
- Mobility aids, such as wheelchairs, scooters, walkers, canes, crutches1, prosthetic devices, and orthotic devices
- Hearing aids help people hear or hear more clearly
- Cognitive aids, including computer or electrical assistive devices, help people with memory, attention, or other challenges in their thinking skills
- Computer software and hardware, such as voice recognition programs, screen readers, and screen enlargement applications, help people with mobility and sensory impairments use computers and mobile devices.
- Tools such as automatic page-turners, book holders and adapted pencil grips to help learners with disabilities participate in educational activities
- Closed captioning allows people with hearing problems to watch movies, television programs, and other digital media
- Physical modifications in the built environment, including ramps, grab bars, and wider doorways enable access to buildings, businesses, and workplaces.
- Lightweight, high-performance mobility devices that enable persons with disabilities to play sports and be physically active
- Adaptive switches and utensils to allow those with limited motor skills to eat, play games, and accomplish other activities
- Devices and features of devices to help perform tasks such as cooking, dressing, and grooming; specialized handles and grips, devices that extend reach, and lights on telephones and doorbells are a few examples
Adaptive Tools and Technology
Assistive and Adaptive Devices, Equipment, and Technology
( There are many people who have a disability that affects their ability to perform daily living tasks. Low vision and mobility issues, as well as speech and hearing problems, can seriously affect a person’s ability to navigate daily life. In 2020, about 18% of Americans (almost 1 in 20) reported difficulty completing tasks required to fully participate in work, school, or home life.
The Americans with Disabilities Act, passed in 1990, is a law that makes it illegal to discriminate against individuals with physical or mental disabilities in the area of employment, access to state and local government, public accommodations, commercial facilities, transportation, and telecommunications. Since the law, known commonly as ADA, made discrimination illegal, it increased the demand for equipment that helps those with disabilities gain full access to many areas of life. The increased demand spurred the development of specialized assistive equipment for people with disabilities. Assistive equipment and adaptive equipment are generally considered to be equipment and technology that has been modified from their original use so that a person with a disability can use it for the purpose of improving access to daily life.
Phone Apps (Purchase may be required)
Selecting the Right App When You Have a Brain Injury (Read First Before Going Any Further)

The more you practice, the more you strengthen the connections in the brain — a process known as neuroplasticity. Your brain needs consistent stimulation to build these pathways, and the CT App empowers you with 24/7 access to therapy.
Refurbished & Affordable Mobility Equipment
The Bureau of Correctional Enterprises Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Refurbishing Program at Redgranite Correctional Institution has been serving the Wisconsin community since 2001. Here, trained workers assess, disassemble, sanitize, and completely refurbish used DME, adding value to equipment that may have been discarded. We are proud to have supplied cost-effective equipment to our communities, churches, third-world countries, and veterans.
For questions about the program or inventory, please contact: Christine Trinrud, DME Enterprise Specialist Office: 920.566.2600 ext.2300 Email: