Driving after a Brain Injury (Learning to and returning to)

Although we may take it for granted, driving is a very complex activity requiring a
number of cognitive and physical skills and the ability to coordinate these.
Any of these skills may be impaired after a brain injury. Fortunately, many people
who have sustained a brain injury retain most of their previous driving abilities
and can return to driving soon afterward. However, there are legal
requirements that must be adhered to. It is sensible to take precautions, such
as having a driving assessment, even if your driving skills remain intact. It should be remembered that a car is a potentially lethal weapon: many people with a brain injury were themselves injured in a road traffic collision. It can be relatively straightforward to make adaptations to a vehicle to
compensate for physical disabilities. However, the less obvious effects of brain
injury – on thinking, memory, judgment, decision-making, and emotions – can be
more difficult to overcome.

Brain Injury Resource Center of Wisconsin

  • BIRCofWI Resource and Reference Library (Database)

Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center

  • Driving After Brain Injury Factsheet (MSKTC link)

Wisconsin Department of Transportation

  • How does your medical condition (or disability) affect driving? Find out more from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation WI DOT

Adaptive Driving Specialists

Ready to start driving again?