IMPORTANT: No content on this website should be considered legal or medical advice, as legal or medical guidance must be tailored to the unique circumstances of each individual or case. Although we strive to keep the information on this site up-to-date, the owners and contributors of this site make no representations, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the information contained on or linked to from this site.
Did you know that even with a TBI or ABI diagnosis, you may not be eligible for all state-offered services?
The Wisconsin Disability Determination Bureau (DDB) is responsible for making the medical decision for Wisconsin residents applying for Social Security Administration’s (SSA) various disability benefit programs as well as several benefit programs offered by the State of Wisconsin. The Bureau operates through the Department of Health Services Division of Medicaid Services.
FIRST – IDENTIFY YOUR AREA OF MAIN CONCERN, Then Contact our Resource Facilitation Team for Assistance. Keeping us up-to-date helps to keep everyone up-to-date. If there is a Resource that should be listed let us know and CONTACT US.
Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems
In this directory, you can explore each Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Model System Center’s website for additional information or resources by clicking Visit Website and learn more about the research projects by clicking View Additional Info.
Model System Knowledge Translation Center
The MSKTC works closely with researchers in the 16 Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Model Systems to develop resources for people living with traumatic brain injuries and their supporters. These evidence-based materials are available in a variety of formats such as printable PDF documents, videos, and slideshows.
Free research-based rehabilitation resources
Consumer Guide: Traumatic Brain Injury Care Units – Wisconsin
Approved TBI units are listed by city (weblink)
Hospital Services and Specialties
Resources and Information From A to Z
- Abuse (domestic and Victimization)
- Academics K-12
- Adult Family Homes
- Adult Day Care Programs and Facilities
- Advocacy (Assisted and Self-Advocacy)
- Aging and Disability Resource Center of Wisconsin – Benefits, and Services
- Alternative Therapies
- Alzheimer’s/Dementia/Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)
- Aneurysms
- Assistive Devices and Strategies / Adaptive Tools and Technology / Phone Apps
- Balance Issues and Fall Prevention
- Behavior Issues
- Behavioral Health Services and Psychological Testing
- BIRC Bulletin Archive (Articles, Book Reviews, Survivor Stories, Opinion Pieces, and More!)
- Books (related to specific post-injury topics)
- Brain Injury (Types, Understanding, and Consequences)
- Brain Injury in Older Adults
- Brain Injury Attorneys (Divorce, Guardianship, Personal Injury)
- Brain Injury Organizations (National and Government)
- Brain Injury Identification Wallet Card
- Caregiving and Caregivers
- Community-Based Residential Facilities (CBRFs)
- Checklists and Reminders
- Cognitive Functioning and struggles with day-to-day cognitive challenges
- Community Care (Family Care) Provider Directory
- Concussion and Sports Injuries
- Cleaning Services (providing free & low-cost cleaning services to those who are in need)
- Concussion Clinic
- Counselors
- Dentists (Finding and Choosing)
- Depression
- Diagnostic Testing (CT, MRI, and more)
- Driving after a Brain Injury (Learning to and returning to)
- Education (Going to College)
- Education-Academics – K thru 12 (Returning to school)
- Employment (finding, keeping, or returning to)
- Encouragement
- Falls and Prevention
- Family Care (Provider Directory), and the (DHS Link)
- Family Impact
- Financial Wellness and Money Matters
- Functional Medicine Practitioner (Functional medicine determines how and why illness occurs and restores health by addressing the root causes of disease for each individual.)
- Healthcare and Coverage (State of WI – DHS)
- Grief and Ideas for Healing
- Home (Returning to Home after a Brain Injury)
- Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) (Medicaid beneficiaries are able to receive services in their own home or community rather than in institutions or other isolated settings) – NOTE per NASHIA: The “Family Care” program, is gradually being expanded to all WI counties and replaces the Brain Injury HCBS Medicaid Waiver (BI-W).
- Homeless Assistance
- Hospitals – Trauma Care by Level
- Housing Options
- IRIS (Include, Respect, I Self-Direct) (DHS Link)
- Intoxication versus Brain Injury Symptoms Comparison
- Laws and Legislation
- Legal Advice and Professionals (Attorneys, Guardianship, Advanced Directives, Power of Attorney
- Long Term Care (Family Care, Partnership, PACE, and IRIS)
- Medical Equipment Lending (Katie’s Closet/Team Up For Families)
- Medical Bills and Daily Living Expenses
- Memory Care
- Mental Health (Club House Environments)
- Mental Health Issues Following TBI
- Migraines and Headaches
- Military Support Group (also see Veterans and the Military)
- Neuro-optometrists and Neuro-ophthalmologists
- Neurology
- Neuropsychology
- Neurosurgeons / Neurosurgery
- Nursing Homes and Skilled Nursing Facilities
- Optometrists, ophthalmologists (See neuro-optometrists and neuro-ophthalmologists)
- Organizers for Daily Living
- Orthotic and Prosthetic Devices
- Parenting after Brain Injury
- Pediatric Brain Injury
- Physical Therapy
- Physiatry and Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
- PTSD Treatments (Explained)
- Recovery (DHS-Approved TBI Units in WI)
- Rehabilitation Centers – Inpatient
- Rehabilitation Centers – Outpatient
- Rehabilitation Services – (Therapy (PT, OT, ST)
- Rental Assistance
- Returning Home after Brain Injury
- Return to Work
- Seizures and Seizure Disorders
- Senior Resources
- Service Animals, Therapy Animals, Emotional Support Animals
- Skills Training (Life Enrichment Skills
- Speech Therapy
- Strokes
- Support Groups and Friendship
- Treatments for Brain Injury (explained)
- Transportation
- Veterans and the Military also see (Military Support Groups)
- Vision